Case Competition Proposes Ways to Improve U.S.-China Relations

February 27, 2023
Tags: China

Tensions between the U.S. and China seem to make the news every week, with issues as diverse as TikTok and tariffs to spy balloons and academic espionage. Undergraduates proposed ideas for ways to improve the countries’ relationship in the China Center’s third annual China Bridge Challenge.

Three teams, each including at least one student from Greater China and one student from the U.S., presented in the final round of the case competition. Their ideas addressed the theme of “Strategies for an Evolving U.S.-China Relationship: Business as a Force for Good” and included a mentorship program for international students, a hub for black soil research, and an experiential learning program focused on healthcare in the U.S. and China.

Read more about the 2023 China Bridge Challenge

Junyan Tan, Yanai Sun, and Alyssa Meyers with Carlson Dean Sri Zaheer