
Maternal Emergencies Without a Safety Net

The isolated Suba and Luo communities of Mfangano Island in western Kenya experience some of the highest maternal and neonatal mortality rates in East Africa. To understand why, researchers from the Center for Global Health & Social Responsibility have partnered with one of the most remote and underserved populations in the world.

Fellowship Supports Africa’s Emerging Leaders

Over the summer, twenty-five of Africa’s brightest emerging leaders virtually participated in an academic and leadership institute at the University of Minnesota through the Mandela Washington Fellowship, part of the Young African Leaders Initiative.

A Worldwide Emergency

Alumna Sanda Ojiambo helps fight climate change as executive director of the Global Compact at the United Nations.

Grad Students Share Their Journey to CFANS

Although University of Minnesota CFANS graduate students Dorah Mkabili Mwangola and Leticia Dourado Clemente are engaged in different fields of study, they have something in common—both women discovered a passion for their respective fields almost by accident. 

Kenya Country Brief

Sunset on the savanna

The University's relationship with Kenya focuses on agriculture, civic leadership, and rural development, with a key partnership with Kisii University.