
CGHSR announces Global Engagement Grant awardees

The Center for Global Health and Social Responsibility has awarded seven University of Minnesota faculty members Global Engagement Grants, funding that will be used to advance novel global health projects.

Home away from home

As a researcher in evolutionary ecology, Jesús Pinto-Ledezma studies the origin, causes, and consequences of biodiversity at global, regional, and local scales.

Bringing entomophagy to the forefront

Professor Sujaya Rao's poster on entomophagy, or the practice of eating insects as food, was selected for a special session for the Imperial family of Japan.

People in the picture

Alejandra Perez-Enriquez and colleagues are helping communities in Costa Rica shape their own future through participatory ecological restoration.

Dr. Andres Perez receives Award for Global Engagement

The Global Programs and Strategy Alliance recognized Dr. Andres Perez, whose research and commitment to training and capacity building has led to substantial improvements in animal and human health throughout Latin America, Asia, and Africa.