UMN Morris Celebrates Two Fulbright Finalists

April 30, 2021

UMN Morris is pleased to announce that we have two Fulbright award winners among our alumni. Breanna Dragseth ’21, shown in photo, and Rose Schwietz ’13 were both awarded Fulbright U.S. Student Research Grants to further their studies.

Dragseth works within the areas of biology, chemistry, and environmental studies. She was awarded the Fulbright grant to continue her studies in designing, synthesizing, and testing materials for the removal of excess nutrients from freshwater bodies. Dragseth will sudy in Ireland and aims to become a more well-rounded veterinarian through her research observing Irish biodiversity and its responses to nutrient levels. 

Schwietz will travel to Nepal to research theatre arts, namely traditional forms of dance-drama and the stories the dances tell. Schwietz intends to use her training in the Suzuki acting method to research and document the techniques, purposes, and impact of traditional Mani Rimdu and Ghatu dance-drama both to catalog these fading arts and to explore how cultural storytelling forms inform contemporary Nepali theater.


Breanna Dragseth