
Planning for a nurse practitioner program in Liberia

Dorcas Kunkel is assessing the relevancy of an existing set of core competencies for training and practice of advanced practice nurses in primary health care contexts, in particular family nurse practitioners in Liberia and for additional application in sub-Saharan Africa.

Advancing inclusion in Taiwan

Institute on Community Integration Director Amy Hewitt helped lead a conference in Taichung City, Taiwan focused on inclusive community living for people with disabilities.

ICI collaborates in India

The Institute on Community Integration is helping to establish an assistive technology center at KL University in Andhra Pradesh, India, and will collaborate on future inclusive education initiatives with KL, a leader in engineering studies.

In Kenya, mutual learning with farmers

University of Minnesota Extension has helped female farmers in Kenya improve the quality of their vegetables in the field and on the way to markets. Now, those farmers are helping growers in Minnesota.

Identifying autism in Rwanda

The Institute on Community Integration this summer trained community health workers in Rwanda on identifying the signs of autism in children and on principles for addressing the needs of people with disabilities in rural communities. 

In Ghana, learning to end stigma

The first disability studies certificate program in West Africa recently began at the University of Cape Coast (UCC) in Ghana, the result of a nearly two-year partnership with the UMN Institute on Community Integration and other organizations.