Transition Through a Global Lens

September 19, 2022

The latest issue of Impact places the critical period of transition from school to adulthood in a global context.

Articles include a call for educators around the world to link transition programs for youth with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities (IDD) more closely to inclusive, real-world situations. People with IDD and their families tell their personal transition stories, and successful programs around the world share how they support young people as they move into the adult years.

“This issue brings to the forefront the different philosophies and approaches to secondary transition of youth with disabilities across different countries, broadening our perspective on this important life milestone,” said Renáta Tichá, co-director of the Institute on Community Integration's Global Resource Center for Inclusive Education. “Our collective work in the field played key roles in informing this issue.”

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Cover of Impact: Feature Issue on Transition in a Global Context for People with Intellectual, Developmental, and Other Disabilities. The photo shows a young employee with a disability in a workshop. He is operating industrial equipment and wearing a work apron.