Morris chancellor participates in international symposium in China

December 19, 2023

University of Minnesota Morris Chancellor Janet Schrunk Ericksen traveled to Sanya, China to participate in the 2024 SEP EduConnect International Symposium, hosted by the China Center for International People-to-People Exchange. Harvey Charles, University of Minnesota vice provost for international programs, and Jennifer Zych Herrmann, with the UMN Morris Office of Advancement, also attended the symposium.

As part of the four-day conference, Ericksen gave a presentation about UMN Morris and participated in a panel discussion focused on the opportunities and challenges of creating a diverse and integrated collaboration on education. 

In addition to attending the conference, Ericksen and Herrmann met with alumni in Shanghai, and visited staff and students at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE), UMN Morris’s longtime partner.  

Read more about the visit

Morris Chancellor speaking into microphone during panel discussion